- The recent Tribunal hearing took place from 12 to 17 November 2019 in Paris. The award is expected early next year.
- 04/10/2019
The Hague Tribunal issued the eighth order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 23/09/2019
The Hague Tribunal issued the seventh order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 01/07/2019
The Hague Tribunal issued the sixth order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 05/03/2019
The Hague Tribunal issued the fifth order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 12/09/2018
The Hague Tribunal issued the fourth order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 22/12/2017
The Hague Tribunal issued the third order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 07/07/2017
The Hague Tribunal issued the second order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 17/03/2017
Russia asked the Hague Tribunal to classify as secret the hearings on Sergei Pugachev’s claim
- 01/03/2017
The Hague Tribunal issued the first order on the 12 billion dollars claim of Sergei Viktorovitch Pugachev against the Russian Federation (under the 1976 UNICTRAL rules).
- 13/02/2017
First Procedural Hearing with the Arbitral Tribunal on Sergei Pugachev’s claim against the Russian Federation on the basis of the international treaty between the Russian Federation and France dated July 4, 1989 “On Encouragement and Mutual Protection of Investments” were started.
- 19/10/2016
By the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian authorities appointed White and Case LLP firm as the sole executor of legal services on representation of interests of the Russian Federation in the BIT claim.
Letter from Prime Minister Alexander Konovalov
- 08/08/2016
The Secretary General of Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague appointed the second arbitrator for the case due to the Russian Federation’s losing the right to choose its own arbitrator. Starting from 19/08/2016, Bernardo Cremades was appointed as that arbitrator. The president of the Tribunal is Eduardo Zuleta Jaramillo, who was appointed directly by The Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.
- 24/07/2016
The Russian side missed the procedural deadlines for the selection of an international arbitrator.
- 15/07/2016
Minister of Justice Konovalov acting on behalf of Russia recognized the basic conditions of the claim (jurisdiction, correct filing of the claim, complying with the procedural deadlines for filing the claim and confirmed other legal details) and notified Mr. Pugachev and the president of The Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague that Russia would participate in the process.
- 17/06/2016
Mr.Pugachev’s lawyers appointed professor Thomas Clay as arbitrator.
- 17/06/2016
Letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin
- 22/09/2015
A press conference with participation of lawyers representing Mr. Pugachev in the International Arbitration, was held in Paris, where causes and details of the claim were thoroughly explained.
- 21/09/2015
Mr. Pugachev’s lawyers, the law firm King & Spalding, sent a Notice of Arbitration to the Russian Federation concerning the filing of its claim against the Russian Federation on the basis of a The intergovernmental agreement between the Republic of Russia and France of 4 July 1989 on the “Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investments” for an amount provisionally quantified of $ 12 billion.
NOTICE OF ARBITRATION against the Russian Federation.
Read here : Agreement
- 10/12/2014
Mr Pugachev sent Vladimir Putin an official letter (Trigger-letter) to warn him of an upcoming legal action concerning the expropriation of his assets. This letter is the first procedural document in the action brought by Mr Pugachev against Russia.
Read here : Trigger-letter